
Led by a qualified headteacher, our team of experienced teachers provide on-site and remote education services that enable every child to flourish and succeed.

These include:


11+ and Entrance Examinations

With years of experience and a proven track record of success, our teachers are well-versed in the intricacies of a wide range of entrance examinations. Learn More

Teaching and Learning Consultancy

With extensive experience in supporting colleagues during their professional development, Hannah, the academy’s headteacher, tailors her guidance and support to each teacher individually.  Learn More

One to One Lessons

One to one lessons are with experienced, qualified teachers who apply their own strategies, approaches and materials based on the individual needs of our pupils. Learn More

Education and Behaviour Support

Do you require some guidance on your child’s education or behaviour?  We can provide a wealth of advice and guidance on what to do in the best interests of your child. Learn More

If you’d like to speak with us about any of our services, contact us or book a call using the button below.