11+ and Entrance Examinations

Our qualified teachers are experienced in the intricacies of the UK schools entrance requirements and the differences between individual schools' assessments.  They are dedicated professionals, who commit to tutoring because of their passion and skill for the job.

Our school entrance tuition services include:

CSSE 11+ Entrance Examination;

ISEB Entrance Examinations  (Independent Schools);

The King John School Entrance Examination;

Thorpe Hall School Entrance Examination;

Grammar School Entrance Examinations;

Grammar School In Year Admissions Examinations.

Why Choose Achievement Academy?

Having initially discussed your objectives with Hannah, our headteacher, she will personally meet with you and your child to identify their strengths and areas of development.  The detailed outcomes of the ‘consultation’ inform the planning of a bespoke learning journey, and it is at this stage Hannah allocates the teacher most suited to your child’s needs.  

At Achievement Academy we recognise that each child is unique, and so is their learning style.  Hence, our teachers employ personalised teaching techniques to cater to the individual needs of every pupil, creating a supportive and nurturing learning environment. We are dedicated to providing the guidance and support needed to unlock their full potential, paving the way for a successful academic journey and a promising future ahead.

If you’d like to speak with us about any of our services, contact us or book a call using the button below.