‘What do you want to be when you’re older?

When asked this question myself, the immediate answer: a teacher of course..


Since that day many years ago, eduction has always been my passion.

Inspired by the amazing talent, compassion and patience of a variety of educators throughout my academic career, I couldn’t wait to begin the exciting journey in the unpredictable world of ‘learning’.

Throughout my career I have experienced many successes, all of which hold a very special place in my heart and have made me the person and practitioner I am today.  As an ‘outstanding’ teacher and leader, I have a wealth of experience in coaching, mentoring and supporting individuals with an extremely diverse range of needs to remove any potential barriers to learning/development. When working as the headteacher of a very successful school in Essex, I decided to create Achievement Academy.

I am passionate about providing a high quality, personalised support service that enables every child to succeed.



BA (Hons), NPQH

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